Adventures in RGBLED backlighting
EErgerbleds maintainence I have a DIY system that illuminates the wall behind my TV with the colours displayed on the edge of the screen. This has been in place for a couple of years now. This is achieved with a Raspberry Pi, ws2812 LEDs and some open source software . It occurred to me last night that I should probably update the software as it would probably fix the odd bug I've been seeing. I thought I'd leave the job until today though as it was bound to be more complex than running a simple software update. Yep, yesterdays Nigel was wise in this respect. Software issues I found latest update to the software was 15 (minor) versions ahead of where I was. The upgrade procedure was to simply to download the new .deb file and install the new code. There wasn't any guarantees the config would be preserved so I made a backup of that first. I ran the update and things seemed to keep working apart from one config item was lost. I reset the item and the LED backlighting sprang b...